

2014年3月7日中西優美子(Yumiko NAKANISHI)


同プログラムの必修科目として「EUワークショップ」と「EU Research Skills」がおかれています。「EUワークショップ」は、4人の教員によるゼミ形式の授業です。「EU Research Skills」は、英語での発信力をつけるための外国人の教員による授業です。




一橋大学大学院法学研究科教授 中西優美子


I am very glad to tell you that we will start the EU blog under the EU joint research programm under the graduate school of law at Hitotsubashi University.

The president of the University, Professor Susumu Yamaguchi, accepted kindly our request to open the EU blog.  I am thankful for his understanding. I also appreciate the cooperation of the graduate school of law.

Professors and students who participate in the EU joint research programm contribute to this blog freely. I hope you enjoy our EU blog. We will tell you useful informations, interesting topics and others.

Professor Dr. Yumiko NAKANISHI (EU law), graduate school of law, Hitotsubashi University