EUSI Workshop on 18 January 2016
2016年1月6日中西優美子(Yumiko NAKANISHI)
Date: 18 January 2016 (Mon)
Time: From 16:30 to 18:00
Venue: EUSI Conference Room 3503 (Mercury Tower, 5F)
Hitotsubashi University – East Campus (Kunitachi)
Title: “Compliance and Enforcement in European Economic and Monetary Union – Towards a More Effective System after the Crisis?”
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Fabian Amtenbrink (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherland)
Moderator: Prof. Yumiko Nakanishi (EUSI Director, Hitotsubashi University)
Language: English
Registration: Please e-mail your name, organization and how you knew this workshop to by January 14(Thu). Non-registered participants are welcome, depending on the seat availability.